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Important Information for College-Bound Children

07/12/2019 This is an exciting time for parents with children headed off to their first year of college. Over the past 18 months or so, you have been planning for…

Mother’s Money Matters

As I was thinking about being a mom and all the ways that moms care for their children, I couldn’t help but think of the financial impact of moms. The…

Spring Is Sprung

As we skip into springtime, we turn our attention to cleaning up our yards and our houses, getting rid of the dead plants and leaves outside, airing out the house,…

Your Kids, Saving, And Roth IRAs

As parents, we want our kids to become self-sufficient, thriving adults, and part of that “want” is for them to be financially independent, responsible, and on the path to creating…

Avoid Getting Lost After The Loss Of A Loved One: A Roadmap To Navigating Probate

For so many people who lose a loved one, the idea of probate becomes a daunting thought. Do I call an attorney? Are there deadlines I need to worry about?…

It’s Holiday Time!

Thanksgiving is upon us, we will start listening to holiday music and seeing holiday displays (if you haven’t already) in the coming weeks, which means holiday spending is about to…

Breaking It Down To Build Yourself Up!

Tana Gildea provides helpful tips for women who are suddenly single and need to get their finances and financial documents in order. For more information reach out to your client…

Summer Fun

Summer is that great time of year when you get to plan outdoor activities, enjoy lazy days by the pool, and spend day after day with your children by your…

Graduating To

For many, May is the season of graduations. It’s so busy, so exciting and sad and involved. There are activities and tasks and parties. There are pictures and gowns and…

Happy 5.29 Day!

May 29th is officially National 529 Day or 529 College Savings Day. Most folks have heard about 529 savings plans and perhaps know the basics of these plans, so in…

Building Your Financial Fortress

A fortress. That word conjures thoughts of a castle, knights in shining armor, and horses galloping to either conquer or defend the fortress. Or maybe your imagination goes to military…

Tana Gildea

Investing In College Grads – Literally

By: Tana Gildea 9/20/2019 Tired of the same old investment stock and bond options? How about investing in a future teacher, engineer, or doctor and getting a percentage of their…