It’s Time To Consider Your Health Care Wishes

An advertisement titled Its Time to Consider Your Health Care Wishes features a portrait of a smiling woman, identified as Abbey Flaum, J.D., LL.M., Managing Director - Family Wealth Strategist at Homrich Berg Wealth Management.

In this short video, Abbey Flaum discusses the importance of having a health care proxy and living will in place in the event you cannot make health care decisions for yourself.

For more information reach out to your client service team or call 404.264.1400.

Watch here:

Abbey Flaum

Abbey Flaum, J.D., LL.M.

Principal & Family Wealth Strategist

Abbey joined Homrich Berg after 16 years of law practice devoted to estate, gift and charitable planning, probate, trust and estate administration, pre/post-marital planning and business succession planning. As a Principal in the HB Family Office Division, Managing Director - Family Wealth Strategist for Homrich Berg, Abbey serves as our Family Wealth Strategist applying the company's holistic approach to each client's planning, and she provides clients with ongoing, personalized guidance on tax-efficient wealth, business and estate planning strategies.