E-book: A Primer on Private Alternative Investment Opportunities

Alternatives: Are they right for your portfolio?
A Primer on Private Alternative Investment Opportunities
Download the e-book to understand the opportunities in private alternative investments and how Homrich Berg can help you navigate this complex category to find the potential fits for your portfolio.
E-book Contents
- Introduction
- What are Private Alts?
- Why Private Alts are Expanding
- Why Invest in Private Alts
- What to Consider Before Investing
- Homrich Berg and Private Alts
- How We Implement Alternatives
- Conclusion
Investing entails risk, including potential loss of principal. Private alternative investments are not for every client, are not risk-free, are not liquid investments, and there is no guarantee of achieving superior performance compared to similar liquid investments. This page is not a recommendation.
Download the E-book
Who Is Homrich Berg
Providing fee-only fiduciary advice for over 35 years
Not owned by a bank or brokerage firm
Based in Atlanta and managing over $18 billion of AUM for clients across the U.S. (as of December 31, 2024)
Client retention rate
Investing in private alternatives for 25+ years
Managing 100+ active alternative manager relationships
What You Need To Know About Private Alternatives
More accessible than ever, nontraditional investments such as private alternatives, or “alts,” are becoming popular among individual investors
That’s because these investment solutions may enable clients to address their capital-appreciation and income objectives while potentially enjoying a measure of protection against inflation. A complement to traditional equity and fixed-income investments, private alts can also potentially help improve diversification, increase potential return, and manage portfolio volatility for those investors who meet certain suitability requirements and are able to add illiquid funds to their portfolio.
Learn more about private alternatives and Homrich Berg’s approach to these types of investments.